Presidential Perspective - November 7, 2024
Baylor Students, Faculty, Staff and Parents:
Earlier this week the University launched A Season of Thanksgiving, a month-long initiative that invites the Baylor Family into an intentional time to give thanks for the blessings God has given us. As a people of faith, our words and acts of thanksgiving reflect God’s love for us and his grace freely given to us. I am excited that we are putting our faith into action in this way.
During the first two weeks of the Season of Thanksgiving, notes of thanks are being collected at various locations across campus and online. Those notes will come together the week of Nov. 18 to form an exhibit in the Hurd Welcome Center, a meaningful expression of our collective gratitude. The final week of the month, Thanksgiving week, the Baylor Family will be encouraged to find ways to show their gratitude through acts of service in their communities.
What a wonderful way to prepare for the season of Advent and Christmas! You can learn more about A Season of Thanksgiving on the website.
Some updates for this week:
- AFTER ELECTION DAY: Election Day is officially behind us, and many of you might be asking, “So, what do I do now?” It’s a great question, and I have a few suggestions. First, remember that as Christians, our faith and hope are in Christ our Lord – not in individuals or government. Second, we have talked about our Biblical command to love our neighbors as ourselves, and I am proud of how you have engaged meaningfully and with respect – Keep it up! Third, do not hesitate to reach out to someone if you need support. The Care Team and the Office of Spiritual Life are prepared to help you. Finally, keep praying for our divided nation. This guide from Spiritual Life has several helpful prompts as we navigate the transition phase of our democratic process.
- NATIONAL STEM DAY: Tomorrow is National STEM Day, and throughout this week, Baylor researchers have visited Waco-area schools to make their research come alive for local students. National STEM Day is an annual day of recognition designed to encourage participation in STEM fields, and our faculty and students are uniquely qualified to do just that. Elyssia Gallagher, Ph.D., associate professor of chemistry and biochemistry; Dan Peppe, Ph.D., associate professor of geosciences; and Aaron Wright, Ph.D., The Schofield Endowed Chair in Biomedical Sciences, visited with students at elementary, middle and high schools in Connally ISD, La Vega ISD and Waco ISD to lead hands-on projects and make their high-level research accessible. It’s our hope that all of these students will go to college, and that many of them will choose a career in science, technology, engineering and math.
- INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION WEEK: With the addition of Pro Mundo to our University motto earlier this year, International Education Week Nov. 11-15 has an even greater importance for Baylor in 2024. Visit the full event schedule that includes lectures, presentations and interactive activities that promote cross-cultural communication and cultivate global leadership skills.
- NATIVE AMERICAN HERITAGE MONTH: Every November I look forward to joining all of you in celebrating Native American heritage and culture as we continue to learn and appreciate our own history with Native Peoples. For a list of cultural events and performances, be sure to visit the calendarcompiled by the Department of Multicultural Affairs.
- VETERANS DAY EVENTS: Monday is Veterans Day, and Baylor will hold several events in honor of veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces:
- Sunday, Nov. 10: Veterans of Baylor will host its fourth annual Battle of the Branches Flag Football tournament from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. at Touchdown Alley, featuring our student veterans and Air Force and Army ROTC Detachments competing for the Jack Lummus Trophy and ROTC John Kane Cup.
- Monday, Nov. 11: Events include the McLane Carillon Veterans Day recital at 11 a.m., and an opening reception at 6 p.m. in Moody Memorial Library of 147 Defenders, a student-created exhibit that shares the stories of Baylor’s 147 men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice and are memorialized on lampposts throughout campus.
- Tuesday, Nov. 12: Baylor’s Military-Connected Faculty and Staff Association (MCFSA) will celebrate Veterans Day during a banquet at the Baylor Club.
- STEPPIN’ OUT: At Baylor, service is woven into the fabric of campus life, grounded in a Christian understanding of hospitality that motivates humble service to all. This Saturday, more than 1,300 students from 80 different organizations will participate in Baylor’s biannual Steppin’ Out community service program. Students will serve our neighbors at 55 sites throughout Waco, ranging from individual homes (including one homeowner who is 102 years old!) to supporting community efforts in partnership with local organizations. I’m so grateful for our students who step out in service and for the student leaders who give 500+ hours of their time to prepare for this Baylor tradition.
- UNITED WAY: While we give thanks for our many blessings during this Season of Thanksgiving, we also remember those in our community who would be blessed by a helping hand. The United Way makes a difference every day in the lives of thousands of our neighbors, and Baylor is proud to partner with United Way through our "100 for 100" campaign to raise $100,000 as the Baylor Family. If you wish to contribute, you can give online to United Way, with an option to designate a portion of your pledge to the Baylor Family Compassion Fund, which helps those in need right here at Baylor.
Be on the lookout for a recap from the quarterly Board of Regents meeting late tomorrow afternoon.
Linda A. Livingstone, Ph.D.
As we began A Season of Thanksgiving on Monday, students posted notes of thanks for a meaningful family member or a Baylor tradition at locations across the Waco campus.