Update on Recent Campus Incidents
Dear Students, Faculty and Staff:
Recent news articles about reported allegations of rape at two of our residence halls have, understandably, caused some concern and confusion on campus and in the media. We pledge to you that Baylor takes all allegations of sexual assault and interpersonal violence very seriously, has correctly followed its established policies and procedures, and thoroughly assessed every threat to assure the safest environment possible for our students. It’s important to note that the daily crime and fire log consists of reported incidents, which may not have been substantiated or investigated.
I hope that this update will provide some clarity and context about these specific reports, but also provide more information about how reports of incidents like this are handled according to federal law and on our campus.
As we shared with residents at South Russell, the alleged incidents reported anonymously to the University are related and occurred between the same individuals. The incidents that allegedly occurred on Dec. 12, 2018, Jan. 19 and Jan. 20 were reported to Baylor on Jan. 27-28 through EthicsPoint, the University’s anonymous reporting system, and then entered Jan. 28 on the University’s publicly available daily crime and fire log. This is the proper reporting procedure under federal Clery Act requirements.
Additionally, an alleged incident of rape/dating violence on an unknown date in Alexander Hall was reported anonymously to the University through EthicsPoint on Dec. 11, 2018, and was entered on the daily crime and fire log on Dec. 12, 2018. On both of these reports, the University has followed proper policies and procedures, and at this time, the cases have been referred to Title IX for investigation, according to Baylor’s Title IX policy. Depending on an anonymous reporter’s cooperation with the investigation, the University will seek to proceed through the process prescribed under the University’s Title IX policy, including appropriate disciplinary action for any respondents found responsible.
Let us be clear: If any incident poses an imminent threat to campus, Baylor will issue an emergency notification or timely warning through BaylorAlert. More information about notifications is available on the BUPD website: www.baylor.edu/dps/index.php?id=973585.
We thought it also would be helpful to explain more about Baylor’s public daily crime and fire log, what is posted on the log, what it means – and doesn’t mean – and why Baylor is obligated to maintain this information and share it publicly.
Per federal Clery Act requirements, Baylor – like all institutions of higher education, whether private or public – is required to maintain a daily crime and fire log. You can find the daily crime and fire log on the BUPD website: www.baylor.edu/dps/crimelogs/. You can learn more about the Clery Act at https://www.clerycenter.org/about.
The information on the daily crime and fire log comes from numerous sources, such as anonymous reports via phone or online, the student misconduct process, Campus Security Authorities (CSA), Waco daily crime blotter reports or reports made directly to campus police or to another local law enforcement agency, which then reports them to campus police. All reports of alleged crimes must be entered into the daily crime and fire log within two business days of when they were reported, and a reported crime must be logged regardless of how much time has passed since it occurred. As required, the daily crime and fire log includes up to 60 days of alleged incidents reported to the University.
Again, the daily crime and fire log consists of reported incidents, which may not have been substantiated or investigated. The Clery Act reporting requirements do not make a distinction between whether the reported allegations are true or unfounded but requires that all reports of alleged crimes be recorded and included in the daily crime and fire log.
If you have concerns regarding sexual and interpersonal violence, Baylor has the following resources available:
- For overall safety concerns, contact Baylor University Police Department at 254-710-2222.
- For concerns in a residence hall, contact the Community Leader assigned to the floor or the Hall Director.
- For any Title IX-related issues or questions or to report an incident of sexual assault or interpersonal violence, contact the TIX office at 254-710-8454 or TitleIX_Coordinator@baylor.edu or make a report online at www.baylor.edu/titleix/report or anonymously through the EthicsPoint system.
- For confidential counseling support, contact the Baylor Counseling Center at 254-710-2467 and University Chaplain Dr. Burt Burleson at 254-710-3517.
- For more information about sexual assault prevention, visit the RAINN resource page at www.rainn.org/safety-students.
Let me reassure you that the safety and security of our campus community is our utmost priority. Over the past few years, Baylor has made significant enhancements in our policies and procedures, training and response to reports of sexual and interpersonal violence. Our commitment remains steadfast, and I encourage you to utilize the many resources we have available to you as needed.
Linda A. Livingstone, Ph.D.